Moving on up to double digits!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today I am 10 weeks pregnant!

So I've been a major slacker and I've wanted to start taking pictures since week 4 to just generally document my progress.  Originally in the beginning it was nothing, and then I seemed to have a bump mostly because I had a ton of bloat.  However, now it seems that I actually have a bump and I don't think I can just attribute it to fat.  Considering people are noticing something is going on and I haven't gained any weight yet in the pregnancy, thankfully I've lost some weight.  So here is my 10 week picture, and I will continue this every week throughout my pregnancy, that is of course if it isn't as difficult as it was today finding the right lighting.

1. How Far Along? 10 Weeks
2. Boy/Girl/Names? Right now we call it "Our Blob", but I seem to be referring to the baby as a her!
3. Appointments coming up? December 1st, for the Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound.
4. Thoughts about where you're at in your pregnancy? I am enjoying pregnancy so far.  I am tired most of the time but don't take naps really to often.  I feel guilty most of the time though because I'm trying to control my diabetes and it seems more difficult now than it was before getting pregnant and it's more important now.
5. What are you working on? I'm working to stay on top of taking weekly belly pictures.  We are also super busy unpacking from our move.
6. Complaints or worries? I'm worried about controlling my diabetes.  The only complaint I have is that my OB seemed to give me the run around when I was sick.
7. Happy moments/blessings? We just moved, I'm in the double digits, and I'm blessed to be pregnant with our first child.
8. Any fun things coming up? All of the holiday's, Thanksgiving, Christmas, family time, all of those things that go with the holiday's.

So there it is my baby bump.  I guess some of it is not from the baby but some of it has to be.  I am feeling much better since writing the last time.  I have since had to go back to the Doctor again on Wednesday because I started feeling slightly better, but once I finished taking my meds I ended up starting to feel sick again.  After feeling like I was getting the run around from my OB doctor I went ahead and made an appointment with a doctor at my primary doctor's office.  I went in and saw her, she gave me a new antibiotic and I have started feeling much better.  I actually feel really good today so I know I will only begin to feel better and better.

We go in less then two weeks for our Nuchal Translucency ultrasound.  I'm actually very excited right now to go.  I know I will probably get nervous as it gets closer but right now I'm enjoying being excited.  I'm excited because I not only get to see our little blob but Pete gets to see the baby on the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat for the first time.  Not to mention features will be more distinguished by then a lot different then when I went it around 7 weeks.  Once we are done with the ultrasound we plan on telling everyone as long as we see the baby is doing well.  We aren't waiting until we get the results from the ultrasound but as long as the baby is fine and has a strong heartbeat we plan on telling our bosses, coworkers, and everyone that we know.  We would shout it from the rooftops if we could.  Perhaps I can make this happen.  Ha ha, only kidding.

Well I think that is it for now it is very late and I'm amazing myself right now considering I am always exhausted.  So the holiday's are coming up this week but I'm sure I will be back on to update and give a new picture at 11 weeks.  However, if I can come before then or if there is anything to add I will stop in.  Anyone who is reading this have a great night or day whichever it is when you find yourself reading this.  From my end though, Good Night!

Oh The Sickness....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today I am 9 Weeks and 3 Days Pregnant!

So the sickness I am talking about is not morning sickness, I think I would almost wish morning sickness on myself after the last week I have had.  Last Tuesday I started feeling really sick and it just seemed to get worse and worse.  To make matters even worse this week was the week we were supposed to be moving into our new place.  I know being pregnant I wasn't going to be as much help as I would have liked to been, but add sickness on top of that and I pretty much ended up being a lump on the couch.  Really, I got up and did as much as my body would allow me to do, which didn't seem like much, but I'm sure it helped.  Thank the Lord for my husband because he really stepped up and took care of so much.

Throughout the week I just felt miserable (and I thought that was the worse) because I didn't know what I could take and the stuff that I knew I could take wasn't working as well as I would have liked.  Not to mention if you Google all of these medicines they tell you that your baby will come out with 4 heads and only 1 toe if you take the medicines.  I'm still not sure if it's a legal thing that they say just so they aren't liable or how many cases of birth defects have resulted from two little tiny oh so helpful Sudafed pills.  Well once Friday came around I had enough at that point and I went to the Dr.  I get to the Dr. and he tells me that it seems I may have a Sinus infection with some post-nasal drip so it's draining into my chest making me cough.  I ask what I can take, he gives me an antibiotic, and tells me I can take Tylenol PM so that I can get some very very very much needed sleep;  I can take cough medicine for my horrible no good cough; and I can take Sudafed for my sinuses. 

Come Friday night, and Saturday I felt like someone had not only killed my puppy, but my kitten, fish, and little hamster as well I felt so much worse.  I wouldn't have thought it could get any worse but of course it did.  So come Saturday, our actual moving day, I thought I was going to cough up not only a lung but my little blob, because I was coughing so hard.  Rest assured though to anyone else out there, your little blob is tucked away nice and cozy in your uterus no coughing is going to get to them.  So Saturday I try my darnedest to be the biggest help that I can possibly be, with hardly any sleep, sneezing at least 5 times every 5 minutes, and nonstop cough.  Finally Saturday we got everything moved and yesterday, Sunday, it was time to clean up our hold house.  We got that done and last night we were finally able to rest and treat ourselves to a very yummy calzone and some free cable (comes with the condo).  To top it off last night I got the best sleep I've had in about a week, and today I feel great compared to the other days.  I don't feel 100% but I will take this over the way I felt Friday and Saturday any day.

Now, here we are present and current and I can't help but wonder how concerned I should be about these medicines that can cause birth defects.  Some of the meds I've been taking for almost a week (Sudafed) and others I've been taking since Friday (Cough Syrup, Tylenol PM, and Tylenol during the day).  I guess I will start doing some research which isn't good for anyone about what the percentage of birth defects have resulted from these medicines and perhaps it will make me feel better or worse case scenario it will make me more concerned.  But until next time, I will just be happy that my little blob is healthy and growing strong in there and at least their Mommy will feel well enough to be the best and healthiest oven I can be.

Our Little Blob Is Beautiful!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today I am 8 Weeks Pregnant

So this past Monday I had to go to the high risk department at Winnie Palmer.  I was scheduled for 3 appointments starting with Genetic Counseling, then an Ultrasound with a consultation, and last my Diabetic teaching class.  Up to this point I was so nervous, why?  I have no clue.  So I get to Winnie Palmer and within 30 minutes I'm back at the Hughes Fetal Medicine office.  I meet with Stacy who is the Genetic Counselor.  Originally she wasn't sure if I should have genetic counseling since I am technically pre-diabetic and not full blow diabetic.  But the Dr. confirms the counseling and we go over different risk I have, but I knew most of everything she told me.  She was very pleased that I had started taking folic acid about 3 months prior to getting pregnant because that can greatly decrease your risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida.

After the Genetic Counseling it was time to see our little blog (as the ultrasound tech called it).  Unfortunately Pete wasn't there for this one, with all of my appointments we weren't sure what time it would be and he had already asked off Wednesday to go to that appointment because they were supposed to do an ultrasound at my Dr.'s.  Either way I get back there and we get started.  I of course have a million questions about a million and one things, mainly because I read to much online. I was concerned the tech wouldn't tell me what was going on but luckily she answered all of my questions and offered up so much more.  So she confirmed that everything was there that should be, yolc sac, fetal pole, etc...  She even showed our little blob's heartbeat, I was even more amazed when all of a sudden I could hear the heart beat, it was the greatest experience.  I couldn't help let the guilt flow though because Pete wasn't there to hear the heartbeat.  So the tech also said I was measuring only about 2 days difference on how far along I was, but I couldn't be sure just yet if my date would change since it wasn't a weeks difference.

After the ultrasound it was time for my Diabetic teaching class.  I met with Adelia who was so great.  It was nice also because everyone else cancelled so it was just her and myself so I got to ask a lot more questions.  She began with asking my numbers, which she seemed pleasantly happy with, and happy that I was in there as early as I was.  We went over my food budget and discussed what I could and shouldn't eat.  We came up with a few sample meals and I realized it isn't that bad, most of what I can have is normal foods, just perhaps at certain times I can't have certain things.  I explained about my problems with my meter and she tried to help me out with that.  After this meeting I was done and I was ready to go home.

Fast forward to Wednesday for my appointment at Dr. Kareem's office.  We get there and from the moment we are there the nurse tells us since I got an ultrasound on Monday they weren't doing one there.  I was very disappointed for Pete, however we both knew that was a possibility.  It was nice he was able to come anyway and meet the Dr.  So we went back to the room, and that's where Dr. Kareem went over what the high risk department said my plan was.

My High Risk Plan:

Hemoglobin A1C blood work once every trimester
Up to 1000 mcg extra of folic acid
12 week Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound
20-22 week Ultrasound for Spina Bifida and of the Heart
1 Ultrasound a month starting at 20 weeks
1 appointment a week starting at 28 weeks
1 non stress test every 7 days starting at 28 weeks

The Dr. informed me the purpose of the non stress test every 7 days was because I was at a higher risk (it's always a risk) for my baby to be fine one day and gone the next.  That's a pretty scary though but I think in the long run it will all be okay.  I suppose the test gets done and I'm good for the next 7 days then I go back and do that until our baby is born.

After we went over my plan they had me do blood work there in their office.  I got about 7-9 tubes drawn which was not the most eventful and fun thing of my day.  It was nice though that Pete was there for that.  So here we are to present day and I have my Nuchal Translucency scan scheduled at Winnie Palmer for December 1st.  We were going to do it with my Dr.'s office but you have to go to the Hunter's Creek location to do it and with my work schedule it would just take up to much time.  So we are scheduled for then at 8:00 in the morning.  I'm looking forward to that ultrasound as Pete will be able to go and this will be the confirming ultrasound that determines if we can go ahead and tell everyone else in our lives.

I think that's it for now.  I'm hoping to start this week posting belly pictures and also filling out my "Belly Book" and also starting to blog more frequently.  Well thanks a million to anyone who reads this, I'm really glad I am able to share this with you.

Are We Really???

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So, it's been a little while now since I've actually blogged.  It was the oddest week last week.  We got my Husbands results back from his Semen Analysis and all came back find except his Morphology was slightly low.  We were getting all ready to make appointments and everything, that's when we got the good news.  I have to tell the entire store though.
So Friday I ended up taking an IC first thing in the morning and I was in disbelief that it actually looked like a second line.  I thought no way that's not possible.  So I break out a digital that I had and it comes back "Not Pregnant".  Of course I was a little bummed, because two lines are great but a nice spelled out "Pregnant" is even better.  So I go during my lunch and buy some First Response test, and I take one of those and sure enough a very faint second line, but a second line none the less.
That evening my Husband and I had to meet someone because we had been trying to sell our skimboard and where we were meeting them was close to my sister's house.  I went to my sister's house (after being harassed all day that I couldn't call anymore unless I had taken another digital).  So when I get to my sister's house we go out to get some EPT Digitals (same digital kind from this morning).  I'm nervous at this point that the disappointment of a "Not Pregnant" is for sure to kick in.  We get back to the house and my sister tells me I can't stay in the bathroom, but of course she can.  The moment it comes up she goes running through the house jumping up and down yelling "She's Pregnant, she's pregnant!!".  She runs right past me and right past my husband and directly to her husband who is yelling "Don't get pee on me", to show him the test.
I was just in such disbelief at this point but so totally happy.   We stayed a little while longer, my sister gave us a few books to borrow and read, name books, week by week books.  I love my sister!!!  So my Husband and I get back in the car and drive straight to my mom's house.  I walk right in and hand her the test so that she can see.  We all enjoy the moment and then the phone calls started.  We called my stepdad, my grandma, my grandpa, my other sister, my uncle, my husbands mother, my husband's sister, my husbands father, I think we called everyone!!!  We finally left from there and went home.
The next morning on Saturday because I was still in shock I had to get up and take another test, so I get up and of course it's positive, no denying that.  I am up way earlier than I normally am, and I call my mother to see if they want to go to breakfast with us.  They come to pick us up and she gives us our first baby gift.  She bought us a very sweet card, a toy, a few pacifiers, and bibs for a boy or a girl!  That was such a sweet thing for them to do.
On Sunday we go to my sister's house and she has already went shopping for me.  She went and bought me a bunch of maternity clothes.  Some work shirts because I have to dress up.  A few dresses, some jeans, and some capris.  That was the nicest thing she could have done, I don't know what I would do without my wonderful family.
Well I think that is going to be it for now, the fatigue is hitting in again and I'm exhausted I am going to bed!