Oh The Sickness....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today I am 9 Weeks and 3 Days Pregnant!

So the sickness I am talking about is not morning sickness, I think I would almost wish morning sickness on myself after the last week I have had.  Last Tuesday I started feeling really sick and it just seemed to get worse and worse.  To make matters even worse this week was the week we were supposed to be moving into our new place.  I know being pregnant I wasn't going to be as much help as I would have liked to been, but add sickness on top of that and I pretty much ended up being a lump on the couch.  Really, I got up and did as much as my body would allow me to do, which didn't seem like much, but I'm sure it helped.  Thank the Lord for my husband because he really stepped up and took care of so much.

Throughout the week I just felt miserable (and I thought that was the worse) because I didn't know what I could take and the stuff that I knew I could take wasn't working as well as I would have liked.  Not to mention if you Google all of these medicines they tell you that your baby will come out with 4 heads and only 1 toe if you take the medicines.  I'm still not sure if it's a legal thing that they say just so they aren't liable or how many cases of birth defects have resulted from two little tiny oh so helpful Sudafed pills.  Well once Friday came around I had enough at that point and I went to the Dr.  I get to the Dr. and he tells me that it seems I may have a Sinus infection with some post-nasal drip so it's draining into my chest making me cough.  I ask what I can take, he gives me an antibiotic, and tells me I can take Tylenol PM so that I can get some very very very much needed sleep;  I can take cough medicine for my horrible no good cough; and I can take Sudafed for my sinuses. 

Come Friday night, and Saturday I felt like someone had not only killed my puppy, but my kitten, fish, and little hamster as well I felt so much worse.  I wouldn't have thought it could get any worse but of course it did.  So come Saturday, our actual moving day, I thought I was going to cough up not only a lung but my little blob, because I was coughing so hard.  Rest assured though to anyone else out there, your little blob is tucked away nice and cozy in your uterus no coughing is going to get to them.  So Saturday I try my darnedest to be the biggest help that I can possibly be, with hardly any sleep, sneezing at least 5 times every 5 minutes, and nonstop cough.  Finally Saturday we got everything moved and yesterday, Sunday, it was time to clean up our hold house.  We got that done and last night we were finally able to rest and treat ourselves to a very yummy calzone and some free cable (comes with the condo).  To top it off last night I got the best sleep I've had in about a week, and today I feel great compared to the other days.  I don't feel 100% but I will take this over the way I felt Friday and Saturday any day.

Now, here we are present and current and I can't help but wonder how concerned I should be about these medicines that can cause birth defects.  Some of the meds I've been taking for almost a week (Sudafed) and others I've been taking since Friday (Cough Syrup, Tylenol PM, and Tylenol during the day).  I guess I will start doing some research which isn't good for anyone about what the percentage of birth defects have resulted from these medicines and perhaps it will make me feel better or worse case scenario it will make me more concerned.  But until next time, I will just be happy that my little blob is healthy and growing strong in there and at least their Mommy will feel well enough to be the best and healthiest oven I can be.


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